Get to know tio2lab

tio2lab is a small research team that has an interest in learning more about how technology, scientific data and design can combine together to create a new innovative solutions for problems that we face today in society. We are dedicated and use all of our resources to find solutions and answer questions.

Our mission

We're on a mission to change the way things are designed through research and development . We take this personally and professionally a combination that makes us stand out.

Our vision

We want to live in a world where people can have innovated solutions to tough problems that work and make a difference.


Our strength lies in our individuality. Created by Tania I Ortiz, tio2lab strives to research data and learn new processes in order to concept new ideas. It is a collaboration of a highly skilled professional, and organization so that projects thrives using the proper methods.

Tania I Ortiz

Founder / Graphic Designer